Our 2012 Straw Feature was designed to represent British Olympians. In particular Great British Cycling Olympians – many of whom are based near Snugburys in the North West of England.
The plans started in early March 2012 and involved a trip to the Manchester Velodrome to do our research.
FACTS – The full sculpture weighed in at an impressive 7 tonnes and was around 35 foot with the bike alone being 8ft high. It took 3 men 3 weeks to fabricate the steel and 4 people 2 weeks to stuff the straw. The ‘straw curve’ was designed to represent the velodrome and the measurements for the straw man were taken from cyclist Chris Moulson who trains at the National Cycling Centre in Manchester.
PEOPLE TO THANK – Mike Harper’s incredible talent, the Harbrook Engineering team and the Snugburys Ice Cream straw stuffing team.
SNUGBRUYS CHOSEN CHARITY 2012- we decided it would be fitting to support a group of local amateur cyclists.
A percentage of sales from our “OlympLICK Cones” raised over £2,500 for the cyclists and their charities – The Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (CLDF) and local hospices, Douglas Macmillan and St Luke’s.